E-Crimes Symposium: Cutting Edge Topics in Digital Forensics

This special webinar will be held on February 28, 2022, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, at (Zoom) organized by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science at the University of New Haven. Today, technology has simplified our lives by offering tremendous facilities and convenience. At the same time, with the advancement in technology, criminal activities accelerated at a high pace. Electronic devices, and information and communication technology are increasingly being used as criminal instruments by contemporary offenders. But the good news is—this criminal instrument can be used as a weapon/tool as well to fight against ecrimes. Following Locard’s exchange principle, in the case of digital trails also, there is always an exchange of digital information like IP address or other related trails. Offenders committing crimes on digital platforms leave digital trails which can be traced using advanced and sophisticated Cyber Forensic tools.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This webinar will be particularly interesting to those trying to trace data leaks, financial crimes, and cyber-related crimes. Also, for the awareness of various online crimes, such as a click on a fraudulent link may give someone else access to private space.

WHERE YOU CAN ATTEND: Symposium will be held as a webinar (Zoom) where anyone can participate in all time zones.

WEBINAR GOALS: This webinar is designed to immerse you in e-crimes. It consists of Keynote presentations and Panel discussions. Ecrime and its use in criminal investigations has become a new tool for cooperation, law enforcement and prosecutors. These new applications will be explored in this webinar, which will cover the areas of Cell Phone Forensics, Email Investigations, Multiple Data Sources, and Deep Fake Investigations.
Mobile Forensics is related to recovering data and information from cell phones, the most common and prevalent handy technology. There is a lot of information that resides on mobile devices such as call logs, geolocation data, SMS, Pictures, Videos, Audio, Internet browsing history, and so on. Email investigation deals with ascertaining the source of fraudulent and scamming emails intended to either trick or deceive someone. Crucial techniques such as Header Analysis, Server investigation, Network Device Investigation, Sender Mailer Fingerprints, Software Embedded Identifiers are crucial to find pieces of evidence. Finally, Multiple data sources cover managing data from various sources related to the investigation. Deep fake investigations examine the fake/manipulated/edited pictures, videos, and audio clips. Certificates of attendance will be provided to registered attendees.

Questions may be directed to the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, (203)932-7460.

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