2022 Spring Symposium: Can New Forensic Technology Solve the Jon Benet Ramsey Case?

This special webinar will be held on April 26, 2022, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, (Zoom) organized by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science at the University of New Haven.

Today, technology has challenged the Police and Forensic Community to leverage the ability to analyze evidence with more detail than ever. At the same time, with the advancement in technology, criminal activities have accelerated at a high pace. Many major cases that have taken place throughout this country have remained unsolved. Dr. Henry C. Lee and the staff of the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science will discuss the Jon Benet Ramsey homicide in an effort to provide a better understanding of what took place and how new forensic techniques could lead to the eventual “cracking” of Jon Benet’s death leading to a suspect. But the good news is: the forensic analysis of physical evidence is ever expanding as new technologies come on board. Following Locard’s exchange principle, in the case of homicides, trails also, there is always an exchange of all types of physical evidence.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Everyone. This webinar will be particularly interesting to those trying to better understand what took place and how new scientific techniques and information my lead investigators to and eventual suspect.

WHERE YOU CAN ATTEND: Symposium will be held as a webinar (Zoom) where anyone can participate in all time zones. Links will be provided prior to the seminar through the Eventbrite registration platform.

WEBINAR GOALS: This webinar is designed to immerse you in crime scene process and forensic evidence analysis. It consists of Keynote presentations and Panel discussions with senior scientist from the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. Specific topics will be the crime scene, evidence collected, Trace Transfer Evidence, DNA Analysis, and possible future considerations for emerging technologies.

Certificates of attendance will be provided to registered attendees.
Questions may be directed to the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, (203) 932-7460.

Event Flyer (PDF)

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